Hey Lisa. This is Ronnie Goodwin. I
am a den leader for Centerviews Cub Scout Pack. I am trying to put together a
lesson on history for them and kinda hitting a wall on a few questions. So I
thought of you. If you have any info I would be thankful. I hate giving
incorrect info to kids. After all they will carry that knowledge for
years. There is only a few questions...
Where was the first school?
Where was the first fire station?
Where were the first places to worship?
The first school was a private one built by Mr. Peak and
Samuel Graham in 1866. in 1868 the town
bought that school. They built a school
just east of the Methodist church after that.
Sluder Cemetery 1/2 mile south of Centerview is one of the
Oldest in the Co.
In 1867 the German Baptist (Dunkard) Church was organized
(now called the Church of the Brethren there is still one in Warrensburg) The cemetery on the north side of town was
next to the church. Methodists in 1871
including a separate Black congregation..., Cumberland Presbyterians in
1833--but no church built until 1872.
Presbyterians, 1873, Baptist 1874,
According to Donna Holt, there was no early "fire
department" , but I am sure there would have been some system in place
where neighbors helped neighbors...
Here's a story... Mrs. H.J. Scheer remembers vividly the fire
fighting in the community, which meant that at the word "FIRE!"
everybody grabbed a bucket and ran.
Across the street from where they lived was the Porter Elevator which
had a lot of wheat there at that time.
When it caught fire people came from everywhere with their buckets to
the pump in their yard. She was just a
child and was busy shoving buckets under the pump as a man pumped. Everybody was there with a bucket. men, women, and children. Burning shingles from the elevator were
falling everywhere about them, blown about by the wind. Suddenly her mother appeared and took the
pump off the cistern so they couldn't get any more water. "The way the burning shingles are
falling", she commented, "we might need that water ourselves."
Thursday 8:34pm
Thank you Lisa. This will work great!
Friday 9:23am
Ronnie, one more thing... did you see yesterday's Daily Star
Journal article about Centerview's water rates going up... note in the story it
was a cistern. Centerview residents have
been responsible for their own water until the PWSD#2 was created...
interesting... That's why Donna Holt kept saying there had NEVER been even a
public well...