Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Wonderful Bond Between a Parent and an Only Child

Some of the pictures from the Simmons Studio collection tell a heart-warmng tale about the special love that parents feel for their only child.

Look at this happy family:

The joy they've found in their only child is apparent, but it's nothing like the bond that has formed between this boy and his loving parents.

He's relaxed into his father's arms, but he's exchanging an impish glance with his mother that leads me to believe they share a charming secret that Dad isn't wise to.  Kind of like, "So Dad still hasn't realized that the chocolate you gave him this morning was really Exlax?"

If anyone knows the identity of either happy trio, please leave a comment on this page

1 comment:

  1. Bull, he's an ADHD child that Dad is forcing to stay seated. That look on his face is pure cunning.
