Saturday, August 6, 2016

Photographs of Photographs

Most of the pictures from Simmons Studio were taken in the late '40s or early '50s.  Some, though, are on photographic film from that era, but the images themselves are from an older time.  I think they are shots of older pictures that people brought in to be reproduced.  Here are two examples:

Q. How many old-time farmers does it take to cut firewood?

A. Six.  One to tend the saw and five to move the tree back and forth.

That wasn't a joke.

This picture is a mystery to me.  I don't know when it was taken, where, what these men are doing, what those machines are or who anybody is.  The name "Bowers" was written in one margin.
If you know anything about either of these pictures, please let me know.

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